I think I've come up with a name for this painting...in progress. I need to do a little more detail work and then stop! Put down the paintbrush! Move away from the painting!
No good working title for this one yet. I've considered "Contemplation" and "The Gaze", but nothing's just had the right ring to it yet. This one was done with a raw umber ground.
The Eiffel Tower painting is nearly done. I did it for Sami's apartment which has stark white walls. It's been fun. This was done with a quinacridone Red ground.
Eastern Michigan University 1973-1977 Speech Pathology/Music Ed.............
University of Texas at Austin 1979-1982 B.S. Radio-Television-Film..........
1995-96 Archaeology/Anthropology..........
Art education 2006-present: UT Informal, AMOA Laguna Gloria, Janice Yow Hindes Landscape workshop, Jennifer Balkan Figurative Classes,Phillip Wade studio independent study, Noel Robbins studio independent study